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Articles & Developments
Tips and information from the State Bar of California about Elder Abuse
Open the pamphlet here. -
California Attorney General's Office releases "A Citizen's Guide to Preventing and Reporting Elder Abuse"
Open the guide here. -
Foundation of the State Bar of California issues "Seniors & the Law (A Guide for Maturing Californians)"
This comprehensive publication is a fantastic resource concerning all the issues facing our aging population, providing pertinent information and links for everything from social security and long-term care insurance ... to caregiving, estate planning and consumer scams. Open the publication here. -
"Protecting Mom and Dad's Money: What to do when you suspect financial abuse" (Consumer Reports, 2013)
Open the article here. -
September, 2013 -- "Undue Influence" More Clearly Defined
Addition of Prob. Code Section 86, and Welf. & Inst. Code section 15610.70. The legislature provides a more concrete definition of "undue influence," and incorporates it into relevant statutes concerning financial abuse of elders. Read more.
July, 2013 -- Attorneys' Fees Awardable in More Situations
Amendment to Prob. Code sections 859 and 4231.5. The enhanced remedy of attorneys fees (previously available in actions for financial elder abuse) now is available in addition to the "double damages" remedies already recoverable for any "bad faith wrongful taking" of property under Prob. Code sections 859 and 4231.5. Read more. -
July , 2011 -- Double Damages Awardable When Elder Abuse Present
Amendment to Prob. Code section 859. The enhanced / punitive remedies ("double damages") available to address the "bad faith wrongful taking" of property belonging to a trust, consevatorship or probate estate now also are available merely upon a showing any such property was "taken, concealed or disposed of ... by the use of undue influence in bad faith or through the commission of elder or dependent adult abuse." In other words, double damages may be available even if the undue influence is presumed or assessed under the broader definition(s) provided by Welf. & Inst. Code section 15610.30 (financial elder abuse). Read more. -
June , 2010 -- Double Damages Available in Power of Attorney Actions
Addition of Prob. Code section 4231.5. The enhanced / punitive remedies ("double damages") available to address the "bad faith wrongful taking" of property belonging to a trust, consevatorship or probate estate now also are available in power of attorney actions, to address the wrongful conduct of attorneys-in-fact concerning the principal's property. Read more. -
March, 2009
A Study on Elder Financial Abuse Prevention
by the MetLife Mature Market Institute, the National Committee
for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, and the Center for Gerontology
at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
February 4, 2008
California Legislature Introduces SB1140, Substantially Expanding the Rights of Financially Exploited Elders (Signed into law September 2008, effective 01/01/09).
July 12, 2007
California Legislature Enacts SB 611, Providing Additional Remedies to Plaintiffs Filing Claims for Financial Elder Abuse
April 2007 California Law Revision Commission Tentatively Recommends Significant Changes to Existing Law Governing Enforcement and Application of "No Contest" Clauses
More articles and developments coming soon. (Please check back often.)